Egg Collecting Supplies

Egg Collecting Supplies

  • package of Egg Wipes
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    Egg Wipes - Packs of 1 or 6

    $13.95 - $77.70
    Enjoy all the convenience of household wipes in your egg cleaning! CareFree Enzyme wipes are gentle cleansers made to remove bacteria and soils from the egg after laying. The wipes are simple and easy to use on your fresh eggs.The canister contains 40...
    $13.95 - $77.70
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  • Blue Plastic Coated Wire Egg Basket for collecting eggs from backyard chickens, filled with eggs Blue Plastic Coated Wire Egg Basket for collecting eggs from backyard chickens
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    Wire Chicken Egg Basket

    $49.95 - $279.95
    The KUHL Round Egg Basket has added a hard plastic handle to this unit to provide added comfort for the user. This basket is fully coated in plastic to ensure eggs are properly cushioned. The plastic coating also prevents rusting during the egg washing...
    $49.95 - $279.95
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  • Egg Cleanser Detergent egg cleanser instructions and information
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    Egg Cleanser

    $15.95 - $36.95
    This is a great egg cleanser and replaces dish soap and harsh chemicals. Extremely effective egg cleansing detergent. The unique blend of all natural enzymes attacks organic stains and protein residue for effective removal of contaminants. For years,...
    $15.95 - $36.95
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  • Super CD Egg Washing Detergent - 5lbs & 50lbs Super CD Egg Washing Detergent for backyard chicken keepers
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    Egg Washing Detergent

    $54.95 - $264.95
    Super CD Detergent's formula has been developed after extensive tests in our egg washers. It is a chlorine-based detergent which will give excellent results in water with high iron content or hard water. Super CD Detergent also gives excellent results...
    $54.95 - $264.95
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  • Cute chicken shaped egg grading scale for small scale farmers, backyard chicken keepers, and egg producers chicken shaped egg scale holding an egg
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    Jiffy Way Egg Scale

    The JIFFY-III EGG SCALE is completely universal in design. This scale weighs in both grams and ounces, and features an easily adjustable knob that doubles as a third leg for the unit. This model manufactured by Kuhl Corp.
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  • Jiffy way egg candler tool for backyard chicken keepers, egg producers, and small farms.
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    Jiffy Way Candler

    This new model egg candler is lower in price and can easily be screwed or nailed to the table. It can be used with a standard 60 Watt bulb.
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  • Plastic Coated Egg Washing Rack
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    Plastic Coated Egg Washing Rack

    Ideal for both collection and washing in our automated egg washer. This rack will work for both 30-egg chicken egg trays and 20-egg turkey and duck egg trays. The carrying handle shown here is sold separately; it can be removed for stacking. Also...
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  • Plastic Coated Wire Egg Basket Cone for protecting your eggs as you collect them
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    Egg Basket Cone

    This plastic coated cone can be placed in any round type basket, it can be removable. It allows the detergent and water used in egg washing to work from the inside out. This helps the liquid flow from the bottom of the basket to the center and aids in...
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  • Handle for Egg Washing Rack
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    Egg Rack Handle

    Carrying handle for the TECS-EW-2 Egg Washing Rack. Allows for easy lifting and carrying of the egg washing racks. Sold separately and removable for easy rack stacking.Individually: $14.95
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  • kuhl egg washer for small scale egg producers

    Fiberglass Egg Washer - 110 Volt

    This egg cleaner gives maximum efficiency to the small scale egg producer. All four corners are rounded with a tapered bottom to provide easy cleaning and ample drainage. 110 Volt.A specially designed motor has been mounted directly to the top of the...
  • Egg Foam Blocker Wash Additive
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    Egg Foam Blocker

    $14.95 - $49.95
    Egg Foam Blocker Additive. When eggs break during washing, they can produce excessive amounts of foam. Foam Blocker is extremely concentrated, FDA Kosher certified and is uniquely formulated to act quickly and remain effective for long periods of time. 1...
    $14.95 - $49.95
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Egg Collecting Supplies

An important task in the poultry-raising process is the safe collection and handling of your eggs. In addition to our cartons, we offer a variety of products to assist in egg harvesting. Browse our selection of egg baskets, egg cleaning supplies, and more egg collecting supplies. Our products will keep farmers, chickens, and eggs safe, healthy, and secure during the process. Whether you are a small farmer, backyard chicken owner, or urban homesteader, our wide variety of egg collection equipment is sure to meet your needs! Shop our collection of collecting supplies and accessories now and we will ship them to your home, farm, or business.